Police Officer Laterals
In-state or Out-of-State: Want to Join Mesa PD?
What is a Lateral Officer?
A Police Officer - Lateral is an experienced peace officer who is not required to attend the Mesa Police Academy and is assigned to a Field Training Officer upon being hired.
How does a Lateral join Mesa PD?
A Police Officer - Lateral must successfully complete the Field Training Program. The length of training will be dependent on an incumbent’s performance as determined by the police training staff.
In-state or Out-of-State: What Type of Lateral are You?
Police Officer In-State Laterals
The Mesa Police Department has supported the successful transition of many police officers from a variety of Arizona agencies. Our advanced facilities continue to lead the way in innovative technology and support the needs of our neighboring agencies and communities. Mesa police officers are given access to some of the latest technology and training to elevate their skills and better prepare them for life in the field.
Once hired, applicant will attend a (minimum) 8-week Lateral Officer Program. During the Program, the applicant will be familiarized with the policies and procedures of the Mesa Police Department.
Over the course of 8-weeks, the applicant will be exposed to a wide range of training including Firearms, Tactical Driving, Defensive Tactics, Building Searches, Radio Procedures, Computer and Report Writing Systems and Arizona Criminal and Traffic Law.
The applicant will then enter the Field Training Program where they progress at their own individual time frame.

What to expect for: In-State Laterals
Basic Requirements
Applicant must currently be, or has been, an Arizona Post certified sworn peace officer in good standing. Must have completed a Field Training program and be off any form of a probationary period.
Applicants must first apply online.
Mesa Police Department is currently accepting In-State and Out-of-State Lateral applications. Click here to apply today!
Background Check
You must print, complete and notarize the
background questionnaire packet and mail directly to:
Mesa Police Department, Attn: Police Department Hiring Unit/
Background, P.O. Box 1466, Mesa, AZ 85211.
Testing process will include a physical assessment, firearms assessment, background interview, selection interview, polygraph, and background investigation. If candidate is given a conditional offer of hire, then a psychological exam and medical exam must be completed.
Police Officer Out-of-State Laterals
Police officers from across the country have decided to relocate their careers to the alluring desert landscape of Mesa Police Department. With near perfect weather 9 months out of the year and so many southwest attractions only a short drive away, (think majestic lakes, snowy mountain tops and the Grand Canyon, San Diego, Las Vegas and Mexico), it's no wonder the Mesa PD receives requests from lateral police officers from every corner of the U.S.
Once hired, applicant will attend a (minimum) 8-week Lateral Officer Program. During this Program, the applicant will be familiarized with the policies and procedures of the Mesa Police Department.
Over the course of 8-weeks, the applicant will be exposed to a wide range of training including Firearms, Tactical Driving, Defensive Tactics, Building Searches, Radio Procedures, Computer and Report Writing Systems and Arizona Criminal and Traffic Law.
After successfully completing the AZ Post required proficiency skills (Tactical Driving, Firearms and POPAT), the applicant will complete the AZPOST Waiver Exam with a minimum score of 70%.
The applicant will then enter the Field Training Program where they progress at their own individual time frame.

What to expect for: Out-Of-State Laterals
Basic Requirements
Applicant must currently be, or has been, a certified sworn peace officer in good standing. Applicant must have a minimum of at least two years patrol experience, not including training or administrative assignments.
Applicants must first apply online.
Mesa Police Department is currently accepting In-State and Out-of-State Lateral applications. Click here to apply today!
Background Check
You must print, complete and notarize the
background questionnaire packet and mail directly to:
Mesa Police Department, Attn: Police Department Hiring Unit/
Background, P.O. Box 1466, Mesa, AZ 85211.
Once the application is received it will be reviewed to determine if all of the minimum requirements for a lateral transfer are met.
Testing process will include a physical assessment, firearms assessment, background interview, selection interview, polygraph, and background investigation. If candidate is given a conditional offer of hire, then a psychological exam and medical exam must be completed.
Once hired, applicant will become a City of Mesa employee and spend approximately 1 month studying for the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training (AZPOST) waiver tests to become certified. During that month the applicant will be meeting other criteria, such as the AZPOST driving course, firearms course and physical fitness obstacle course. Once the applicant has successfully passed the waiver exams and become certified, they will complete a Department Lateral Academy for 4 weeks. This academy is to familiarize themselves with forms, computer systems, radio system, etc. They will then be placed into the Field Training Program where they progress at their own individual time frame.
Fitness Requirements
The test consists of a timed obstacle course, body drag, chain-link and solid fence climb, and 500-yard run. The applicant must achieve a required amount of points to move to the next step in the process. For the POPAT scoring matrix, visit – https://post.az.gov/certification-process/waiver-process