Professional Staff Careers
CIVILIAN JOBS Quality People Providing Quality Service.
The Mesa Police Department offers many career paths, outside of our Police Officer positions, that are great for civilians interested in serving our community. We employ over 400 civilian personnel in over 100 different job classifications such as administration, IT, records technicians, detention officers and crime scene technicians. While these are civilian positions, all of our employees are held to the same clearance and background check requirements as our police officers.

CIVILIAN JOBS Communications
The Mesa PD Public Safety Communications Division acts as the central hub for routine and emergency operations for much of the East Valley. Members of the Communications Division serve our community by acting as the connecting fiber between local citizens and many Arizona agencies. Candidates must display compassion, a desire to serve, professional conduct, and comprehensive knowledge and ability. Positions require mental toughness and courage while facing challenging situations.
The Mesa PD Public Communications Division often hires for the following positions:
Who answers emergency and non-emergency phone calls.
Who handles radio traffic and manages police units through a computer aided dispatch system.
Who directs operations, shift scheduling, performance measurement, and liaisons with customers and support personnel.
Who coordinates strategic and tactical plans in dispatch and 9-1-1 operations, liaison to fire, police and technical operations, manages schedules and staffing, and reviews personnel issues.

CIVILIAN JOBS Detention Facility
The holding facility is staffed by a team of detention officers who are supervised by civilian shift supervisors and a civilian Detention Administrator. Detention officers work together in maintaining a close working relationship within all areas of the police department, the Mesa Municipal Court and the many other law enforcement agencies surrounding our community. The Holding Facility is dedicated to ensuring a fair and expedited transition for all who are moving through the criminal justice process. Detention officers are responsible for the care, custody and control of all subjects brought into the facility.
The Administrative Business Unit provides support to Forensic Services by performing general clerical duties, processing all incoming requests for analysis, prepare and send out discoveries, process laboratory purchases, collect data to compile reports and documents, maintain databases, answer and manage incoming calls, receives and directs incoming visitors and clients.

Performs examinations on evidence for the presence of biological materials including blood, hair, saliva and semen. They utilize chemical, microscopic, and instrumental methods and maintain and enter information into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Unit members may assist with crime scenes and if authorized, perform bloodstain pattern interpretation.
Performs examinations on unknown materials, including powders, liquids, pharmaceutical preparations and plant materials. Analysts perform chemical, microscopic and instrumental examinations on evidence to determine if they contain controlled substances. The Unit also provides support for the Department’s Field Drug Testing Program.
Photographs, collects and secures physical evidence from crime and accident scenes. They perform field drug testing, forensic photography, collect latent and known prints and, if authorized, prepare composite drawings.
Processes evidence for fingerprints which are examined by the Latent Print Unit and collects and prepares samples for testing by the Biology Unit. If authorized may prepare composite drawings.
Evaluates and compares inked fingerprints, records known prints of subjects, and enters inked fingerprints into the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
Examines, compares, and analyzes all types of firearms and tool mark impressions on evidence. They maintain and enter information into the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) and assist with crime scenes.
Provides technical support to the Forensic Services by monitoring building and equipment systems; conducting routine maintenance and calibration checks on equipment and instruments; organizing calibration of instruments and measuring devices; maintaining the FS inventory database and conducting annual inventory; ordering and distributing laboratory supplies; preparing chemical reagents and; preparing documentation and evidence for send-outs or outsourcing to other laboratories.
Evaluates and compares latent prints, records known prints of subjects, and enters latent prints into the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). Latent Print personnel may perform laboratory processing or examinations of footwear or tire track impressions on evidence if authorized.
Manages all film and digital photographs taken by Police Department members; provides photographic services for Department events and other special requests; provides photo laboratory services such as copies or prints of photo images in various formats for investigators, Courts and the public; maintains Photo Laboratory equipment and makes arrangements with vendors for repairs of laboratory or FS camera equipment; provides photography instruction to Police Department members.
Performs examinations on body fluids for the presence of alcohol, other volatiles, drugs of abuse, and pharmaceutical compounds utilizing instrumental methodologies. The Toxicology Unit, with Laboratory Technician assistance, also provides support for the Police Department’s Preliminary Breath Test Program.

The Mission of the Mesa Police Evidence Section is to provide safe and secure storage areas for property and evidence while maintaining evidence integrity through accurate chain of custody documentation. Evidence personnel are responsible for receiving, storing, releasing and maintaining security of a wide variety of items. Property received by the Evidence Section includes, but is not limited to, cash, jewelry, guns and various weapons, narcotics, vehicles, bikes, blood samples, urine samples and other evidence related to assaults, homicides and other crimes.
The Records Division serves as the central repository for all police reports and related records. Records produces a monthly statistical report, which is sent to the FBI for tracking crime.